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Does the person running the ads really understand the business?
Having someone who gets how the business makes money - and applies that to the ad account - is crucial. But this isn't a given. Often the person responsible for the day-to-day ad management doesn't think about the business behind the ads. That ends up in wasted ad spend and leads that are a poor fit.
Are you sending people who click your ads to a page designed to turn clicks into leads?
A conversion-optimised landing page might get 10 to 20 times more leads for the same cost as a regular web page. A high-converting landing page is key to a steady stream of leads at a reasonable price.
How good is your business at turning leads into sales?
Most Google Ads leads don't become paying customers. People assume it's because they're too expensive, but price is less of a factor than you'd imagine. Often changes to how leads are handled yields a hefty increase in sales.
Are your ads being optimised to bring you better leads, not just more leads? A reliable flow of high-quality leads will transform a business. Google Ads can be trained to bring superior quality, high-value leads. But, this feature is often overlooked because it's difficult to set up.
Do you know how much profit you made from Google Ads leads last month?
Nobody has an unlimited marketing budget. When you know the true value of your Google Ads spend you'll make the right decisions about allocating your marketing budget. Without this you're either wasting money or missing opportunities. Neither is good.